Science Blog
Introduction to Biology Class
Unit 1: Ecology
Unit 2: Biochemistry
Unit 3: The Life of a Cell
Unit 4: Cellular Processes
Unit 5: Mitosis and Meiosis
Unit 6: Genetics
Unit 7: Protein Synthesis and Biotechnology
Unit 8: Evolution and Classification
Literature Reviews
EOC Review
Khan Academy: Biology
Biology EOC Review PowerPoints
Biology Review Packet and References
Released EOC Exams
EOC Review Quizzes of Doom
Assessment Examples by Essential Standard (NCDPI)
EOC Vocabulary Flash Cards
Science Test Banks
Crash Course Biology Videos
Bozeman Science (awesome videos)
Success Series Videos: Biology
Open Office Download
Physical Science
Course Documents
Unit 1: Introduction to Physical Science
Unit 2: Mechanics
Unit 3: Work, Power, and Energy
Unit 4: Properties and Matter
Unit 5: Electromagnetism
Unit 6: The Atom and Periodic Table
Unit 7: Bonding
Unit 8: Reactions
Unit 9: Composition of Solutions
NC Final Exam Review
Open Office Download
SAS Student Signup
Earth Science
Course Documents
Unit 1: Introduction to Environmental Science
Unit 2: Natural Resources and Energy
Unit 3: Rocks and Processes
Unit 4: Plate Tectonics
Unit 5: Hydrology and Oceanography
Unit 6: Meteorology and Weather
Unit 7: Ecology
Unit 8: Astronomy
NC Final Exam Review
Open Office Download
SAS Student Sign Up
Cool Stuff
Sci-Fi Book Club
Epley's Coders
Listen to the embedded media above to hear why cats survive falling from heights!
The same genes that cause cancer in humans paint spots on fruit fly butts
Why you should (and shouldn't) put hydrogen peroxide on cuts
CDC confirms rabies death in organ transplant recipient
Fish Found in Extreme Spot Beneath Antarctic Ice Shelf
How do cells manage to obey the laws of physics
ACHOO syndrome
Standing among the world's largest trees (ABC News)
Petrichor origin (crimson, eleven, delight, petrichor)
28 Years Later, The Animals Of Chernobyl Have Reclaimed Their Homeland... At A Price
3D Pen (cool!)
A biologist coined the term meme
Another biologist gave us